Foothills Rural Association


The Foothills is a great place to start your outdoor adventures.  Activities include Hiking, Skiing on Mt. Spokane, easy access to the Spokane River and much more.


Situated in the Foothills below Mt. Spokane.


While there is a natural beauty of the Foothills, it's the People what make this area special.

2023 Jess Kronquist and Blue Ribbon Circle Scholarships Awarded

Congratulations to Ellie Syverson, Sarah Friendshuh, Eli Amend, and Leah Syverson for being awarded scholarships for their continuing education efforts.  Please see the Scholarships page for additional information on our winners.

4/8/2023 - FRA Easter Egg Hunt & Bake Sale

The Annual FRA Easter Egg hunt will be held Saturday, April 8th at 12:30PM at the FRA Community Center.  A bake sale will also be happening at the same time.  All Foothills residents are invited to attend.

2/24/2023 - Scholarship Application Time

Applications are now being accepted for the 2023 Blue Ribbon and Foothills Rural Association scholarships for foothills residents.  See the Scholarship Information page for further information and the form.

2022 Root Beer Floats & BBQ

On Thursday, June 22, the FRA and Foothills Community Church held their annual BBQ and Root Beer Float event after 2 years of COVID cancellations.  It was a great time, and the weather was perfect. If you weren't' there you missed out on a great time.


A special thank you to the FRA members who helped serve the floats: Denise Smecko, Tommye Schwerin, Jo Ann Davis, Holly Weiler, Karen Feyk, Chris Luebker, Kay Potter. Marc McIntosh picked up garbage.

2022 Jess Kronquist Scholarships Awarded

The 2022 Jess Kronquist scholarships have been awarded by the Foothills Rural Association and the Blue Ribbon Circle. 


Please see the Scholarships page for further information of the recipients.

Annual Meeting Results

The FRA Annual meeting was held on  January 12, 2022

Meeting notes are available on this LINK - 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes - Also includes the election of new officers and board members.  Congratulations to all the new board members.

New Trailhead for Antoine Peak

April 2021 FRA Newsletter

04/12/2021 - The April 2021 FRA Newsletter has been sent by both USPS Mail as well as email.  You can also find an electronic copy via this Newsletter link.

Shoutout - MacArthur Co. Roofing

The FRA would like to send out a very special thank you to McArthur Roofing, located on Broadway east of Fancher.  MacArthur Roofing has donated a bundle of roofing for repairs to the wind damaged roof of the cottage. We want to thank them by recognizing their contribution and patronizing their business.  The FRA rents out this cottage and it provides a significant amount of proceeds to the association.  Upkeep and maintenance is a key part of our stewardship of the FRA buildings and this donation is significant for us.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact the web administrator, Holly Weiler at

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